I L O V E this🥰🥰. Thank you Kate! A timeless message indeed.

I'm struck by the poetry and brilliance in the ideas of 1) our souls are in constant jetlag in the harried currents of modern lifestyles and 2) asking the question "am I allowing others to meet me?" to create a space in presence and attention for others to bring their full selves to this moment. And I love how number 2 can be a salve for number 1!

Attention is everything. A fact not lost on social media algorithm creators and sadly harnessed in the crudest ways.

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Yes, this is so true. The allowing others to meet you energetically is huge.

I just started reading Jonathan Haidt's The Anxious Generation and your observation about the algorithm creators manipulating our time and attention is reinforced there. It is truly disturbing. I always just thought the addiction to technology was our problem - we are the ones using it after all. But then I started to think: Shouldn't Frankenstein have taken more responsibility for his Monster? And aren't we all responsible for whatever we put into the world in some way?

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Kate, this resonated so deeply with me. Not too long ago I had shared this: I’ve realized there is so much more one can do when unencumbered by the self-imposed pressure of creating for someone. As much as I love leading online workshops, when I create for myself the dynamic is so different.

It’s having the time to explore and play in silence, to lose myself completely in the practice, to see something emerge, to let something go, to feel the struggle every time, to experience the exhilarating feeling of being one with the process … it’s having a moment with myself. A relationship where there is no judgment, no questions, no direction … a relationship with my art that only I understand. The older I get, the more I crave that kind of stillness."

It's what you said about the being part of a human being ... I am still on that quest to just be.

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